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Discover all you need to know about probiotics, gut health and more with our interactive learning tools.

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Gut health

What are Probiotics?

In 2002, the World Health Organization defined probiotics as “live microorganisms, which, when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host”.Probiotics are live bacteria that are beneficial...

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How to choose probiotics

There are several key things you need to look for when choosing a probiotic.

Meet L. reuteri DSM 17938

Products with L. reuteri DSM 17938 are among the most studied in the world.

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Unlocking the secret to a sparkling smile: Probiotics and your oral health
Oral health

Unlocking the secret to a sparkling smile: Probiotics and your oral health

What is the one thing that is understood by every language, every culture, and every civilization?A smile.Smiling is more than a way of knocking down...

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Oral microbiota: What is it and how is it connected to overall health?
Oral health

Oral microbiota: What is it and how is it connected to overall health?

Our mouths are a bustling ecosystem teeming with microorganisms that form what is known as the oral microbiota.The oral microbiota is a community of bacteria,...

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Oral health and the role of Probiotics
Oral health

Oral health and the role of Probiotics

Did you know that your oral health plays an important role in your overall health? It’s true, yet it’s an area that’s often overlooked when...

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